Close up of a stone carving of Yale's coat of arms features an open book and Yale's motto, Lux et Veritas

The Yale University Campus Art Collection

About the Campus Art Collection

aerial view of Yale University’s Schwarzman Center

The Campus Art Collection is Yale University’s accessioned collection of art and artifacts, separate from the University’s museums’ and libraries’ collections. Works in the Campus Art Collection include, but are not limited to, paintings, indoor and outdoor sculpture, furniture, prints, photographs, drawings, watercolors, murals, and ephemera. 

Handsome Dan sitting next to Ben Franklin statue with paws on Franklin's thigh

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The CAC in LUX: Yale Collections Discovery

We are thrilled to announce that a small selection of the Campus Art Collection is now available through LUX: Yale Collections Discovery, joining cultural heritage collections across Yale’s museums, archives, and libraries in new ways and all in one place.

Keep checking this space as we continue to make additional CAC artworks available online!

towering shelves of books in Beinecke Library

The Campus Art Collection In the Media

History Lessons: Recovering the stories of Yale’s scattered treasures

Stained glass window depicts a printer removing a page from a printing press while another inks text-blocks

Take a Detour

Yale has approximately 30 public art installations throughout campus in courtyards, plazas, and green spaces. Take the long way to your next meeting on campus and check out this selection of five oversized sculptures.

Detail of numbers carved into Maya Lin's Women's Table sculpture

Father and Son’s Career Paths Woven Together on Yale University’s Campus

brick wall with YALE carved into one of the bricks